was cuociglia, and viscoflessì tlucà
girottolavano and socchiellavano in radozza;
invelini were all there Bigorio
and rabi vidas strofiavan in the throat.
- Farfuciarbuglio Watch out, my son!
Fangs jaws, pincers has the claw! Watch
're all'uccel Scrìoscrìo, and avoids
furimante Ghermidrillo!
He grasped then the sword fedefida
omivoro long sought the enemy .. Then under a
Dumdum in the middle of a prada
stood and pondered his handling on the very substantial. And while
rorutroso thought so and was, the
Farfuciarbuglioso, with eyes of flame,
sofolando PEL tenebrumido advancing forest,
beegheggii launching of a whole range!
Zif-zaf! One, two! Zif-zaf! One, two! With
fedefida cutting blade, cutting-edge of rasa!
Until he had died with so many ox
mozzatagli galutronfiò head home.
- The Farfuciarbuglioso have you killed already?
Come here in my arms, my son Fulgosi!
O day full of gribola! Chioce! Chiàchià! -
ridagghiolava So joyous in his heart.
was cuociglia, and viscoflessì tlucà
girottolavano and socchiellavano in radozza;
invelini were all there Bigorio
and rabi vidas strofiavan in the throat.
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