are luckier
I quote the text
From the dance halls at work. Moving on to jazz. And jazz! Gianluigi Trovesi , with the clarinet or saxophone with, with his music synthesis between improvisation and traditional folk sound, with awards won in forty years of his career (often reported as a musician of the year or for the best record in the most prestigious magazines) has personal review of what has been the evolution of the jazz scene in Bergamo and with it changes in perspective and the existence of the fans of this music, which is not so niche, especially if we look at the province orobica.
Bergamo and jazz, a happy marriage?
Definitely a special blend. And that is to far. It was 1969 when Donizetti was held at the first international festival in Italy dedicated to jazz. Organized by Arzano and Easter. An event, a bit 'like the birth of the Milan-Sanremo. I was in the audience. To applaud the likes of Louis Armstrong. The year after I'd gone up on that stage one of the protagonists.
an event, I agree. That did not stop there.
No, this is the positive side. After review of Donizetti, who continued and still continues, was born in the seventies of the jazz festival Lovere who died early but he left the field to Clusone. Jazz musicians in four decades for a number of very special occasions. And quality. All here in our province.
We can therefore say that the musicians Bergamo, thanks to these occasions, rather lucky?
The premise is far from rosy. And is linked to the technological innovations of the music. I come from the dance halls, fifteen years I played there. In Seriana valley, where I live, there were four or five that gave "work" on a score of musicians and music lovers who could live in this round or their incomes. Well, at some point in the dance halls were replaced by dancing at the touch of a button to play music and to dance. the musicians did not need più.Tutto has changed, especially for those who wanted to learn to play the field. Because there were no more "fields" to be used.
A revolution?
Almost like the industrial revolution. Like when the workers were replaced by machines. I'm not saying that technology has opened other avenues, of course. But what is certain is that music lovers have found themselves enclosed spaces to tell in their own way to express themselves with their instruments.
So, back to jazz, dance halls were replaced at the festival. At least in this they were lucky?
Sure, compared to the total emptiness, who chose the Jazz could have some more opportunity to be as the Bergamo has always had this type of music. But I assure you that the opportunities are still few, for the few jazz musicians, very few for those who make music. While On the contrary, is growing and has grown the quality of musicians in general.
also that of jazz?
Proposals jazz in forty years, are very diverse. The quality has improved. And here in the province of Bergamo musicians are appreciated even outside the national borders. The level is very good. I think Bertoli, Bombardieri, Tracanna ... and I can not mention them all.
But among the festivals of the time and today as you prefer?
Then the players were not just jazz musicians. There were those who had invented jazz, were the history of jazz. Armstrong say when I say everything, no? I love to make a comparison in this regard: between the seventies and today there is the same difference between the builders of pyramids and those of a bungalow. In short, as if the work was directly Donizetti. Or green.
you live, camp, jazz?
only if it intends to tell her that some live jazz, many others do not. But to live jazz is not just about making records or playing it. It means maybe, as it was for me, teaching music at the Conservatory when I was first clarinet and saxophone first Orchestra of the RAI, but also teach middle school. Until '93 I taught, I decided to no longer depend on the schedules set by others. But for me it was a completion of my passion. Of course, if you ask me if, with the only jazz can support a family, the answer is difficult. But how many passions, the dreams fail, even if grown, to fill the portfolio?
say however that she is a special case. It 's a successful jazz musician, recognized by experts and the public sector but appreciated by many others across the board. Also because she's a little 'cross, not only for her love for dance halls
... I also love the bands, another area which is the largest in Bergamo. This has to be said. And just because I love the bands I love the work that these bands play. So for four years I am working on a very special project which will come out in September.
What is this?
It 's a little story of Italian opera from the first modern opera, namely Monteverdi's Orfeo, through the Barber of Seville, Tosca, Cavalleria rusticana and others. My music make a liaison. It 's a very special story, because the carving, along with the master of the Philharmonic Mousikè Savino Acquaviva Bergamo and other jazz musicians, on ECM, a very important international label. The album is called "Scent of a Violet" and after September as the release will be presented in mid-October at the Jazz Festival in Parma.
Violetta in jazz ... she just loves the noise contamination.
I love music, from bands to dance halls and opera to jazz ...
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