From October 1st the multistorey car park below the town hall will become a fee for all plans.
The hourly rate is €. 0.70 for the first two hours, the hourly rate for subsequent drops to €. 0.60.
For stays up to 10 minutes is free.
You can subscribe monthly, quarterly or annual.
The time slots can only be diurnte (7.30 - 20.00), only at night (19:00 to 08:00) or both day and night (0.00 - 24.00) as required
You can also buy prepaid cards from €. 50 (valid 84 hours) or €. 25 (valid 42 hours) for an hourly rate of €. 0.60.
For all information and prices is available by contacting the Office of Accounting at the City Nembro or contact phone number 035471319 from 8.30 to 12.30
Meanwhile, only 200 mt., opened on free parking at the station TEB future.
continuing rapidly, and then complying with deadlines, work for completing Freedom Square (Balilla) with another plan for parking and the structure of the modern.