/ Art Day /
Receives Paula Rego Drawing Penagos 2010 MAPFRE Foundation.
This award recognizes the career of an artist living in his career has paid special attention to drawing. MAPFRE Foundation
delivered on March 22, Penagos Prize Drawing to Paula Rego for her outstanding career and for his contributions to drawing as a genus of the plastic arts, whose style is sometimes compared to that of the illustrations used in the graphic novels or comics.
The prize, a prize of 30,000 euros, was presented by Alberto Manzano, Chairman of the Cultural Institute of MAPFRE FOUNDATION.
During the event, held at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, the London-based Portuguese artist thanked the MAPFRE FOUNDATION receive this award, which last year was awarded the English artist Antonio Lopez, and noted " I started drawing at age five. When you can draw whatever you want, to punish the good, rewarding bad ... Vengeance is yours, "said the pencil."
Penagos Drawing Prize was established in 1982 in memory of the famous artist Rafael de Penagos (Madrid, 1889-1954), considered the most important representative of the movement renewal that occurs in the field of graphic illustration English during the twenties and thirties.
Since its inception, the Prize Drawing Penagos is still held annually and has been granted to some of the most important artists of our current situation. From 2008 the award, which is entering a new phase, is given in recognition of the career of an artist living in national or international significance that in his career has been devoted to drawing attention to outstanding.
The ceremony took Alberto Manzano, President of the Cultural Institute of MAPFRE Foundation and its Director General, Pablo Jiménez Burillo, Antonio Bonet, President of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, and Estrella de Diego, Professor of Art History and a member of the jury.